Sand Pebbles Daylily - Growing Daylilies

June is a beautiful time in our garden. The daylilies are really starting to bloom, the bees and butterflies are busy, and I could spend all day just looking at my flowers.

As I think I've mentioned (a-hem), I like dayliles. I like all dayliles -- even the old fashioned orange ones you often find growing wild just about everywhere in June. I am, however, especially partial to the pink, purple, and peach colored modern, large daylilies. One of the daylilies growing in my gardens that fits the bill is "Sand Pebbles." It has a little of all of the colors I like so much. It's also an early re-bloomer, so what's not to love?

Sand Pebbles Daylily

Here are a few photos I took of "Sand Pebbles" in our gardens this morning. It's a beautiful daylily!

Growing Daylilies - Sand Pebbles

Daylily Close Up - Sand Pebbles Daylily

Garden Design with Daylilies

Daylilies in the Garden - Sand Pebbles

Jun 11 2013
Posted in: Daylilies, Flowers

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Horticultural Zone: 6
June 11, 2013

WOW! That most certainly is a beauty!!


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