Purple Crocus

With less than four days until it's official, Spring has finally arrived at our house in Virginia ... my one and only crocus started blooming today! It's a very pretty crocus -- purple and white stripes with a yellow-orange stamen.

You'd think I'd have tons of crocuses around here, after all, they are some of the earliest bulbs (ok, technically it's a corm, not a bulb) to bloom in spring and it's always such a relief to see them arrive.

I didn't plant this little guy, maybe the previous owners did, or maybe a squirrel planted it ... who knows. It simply pops up each spring and I'm always very glad to see it and then, as the showy daffodils and tulips take over, I kind of forget about it. So, I thought it deserved it's own page here on AGrowingGarden.com.

Happy Spring!

Purple Crocus

Purple Crocus

Mar 16 2015
Posted in: Flowers

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