Asparagus Tips

It's been raining cats and dogs here for the last few days. I have no idea how much we've gotten because I left our rain gauge outside well into winter and it now has a big fat crack in it (apparently freezing and thawing isn't good for plastic, LOL). Yep. this is the second rain gauge I've forgotten about and ruined. You'd think I would learn to bring it inside before the first freeze of the winter. Oh well. Anyway, it's been raining a lot.

We've had a slow start to our asparagus season, but I've been harvesting about a pound to a pound and an half every day for the last week or so. We're up to 15 pounds for the year so far (last year we had harvested 24 pounds by May 1, so we're pretty far behind!).

I didn't pick any asparagus yesterday because it was just too wet and rainy, so today's harvest was a monster.... almost 4 pounds!

Asparagus fresh from the Garden

Fresh asparagus from the garden! It's what's for dinner ... and probably breakfast (& maybe lunch) too!

May 01 2014
Posted in: Vegetables

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